Land Use & Environmental

Land use matters are often complex, involving intertwining aspects of administrative, environmental, contract, and constitutional law.

Dr. Benumof's land use and environmental practice is focused on providing his clients with the knowledge and tools to successfully navigate the ever-changing complexities of local, state, and federal land use/environmental laws and regulations…particularly, when the stakes are high and the issues are complex and technical, requiring specialized expertise and experience with overlapping issues of land use law, geology, and geotechnical engineering.  

A perfect marriage of his professional and academic interests as a Ph.D. geologist and land use practitioner, Dr. Benumof has always focused on the interaction between people and their geological and environmental surroundings.  Whether the basis for catastrophic landslides, coastal and shoreline erosion, unique hydrogeologic and hydrologic circumstances affecting water supply and/or quality, earthquake hazards, or adverse soil mechanics underlying a building foundation, geologic and geotechnical conditions tend play a significant societal role wherever people attempt to interact with nature. 

More specifically, Dr. Benumof counsels and represents: (a) landowners and homeowners; (b) developers and homebuilders; (c) agricultural, energy, and technology businesses; (d) public and private water suppliers; and (e) real estate and finance companies, in local, state, and federal permitting and regulatory compliance, as well as land use/environmental litigation matters.  He has substantial experience in local, state and federal proceedings involving the processing, entitlement, and defense of project approvals; local and State regulatory proceedings under CEQA, the California Coastal Act and Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act; challenging project denials, development fees, exactions/dedications, and constitutional “nexus” matters; water rights adjudications; the formation and management of Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts for landslide, beach, and seacliff / bluff erosion hazards; eminent domain and inverse condemnation claims; and appellate practice.

Please call 949-212-6146 for free consultation with Dr. Benumof regarding your land use matter.

GEO-LAW.COM.  The #1 source for the knowledgeable crossover between land use law, policy, business, and the earth sciences.   Because today, client success depends on more than just the conventional practice of law.